Makgope Village

Needs for this outreach 

  • Cost towards sweets for kids 100% 100%
  • Cost towards food for volunteers 100% 100%
  • Cost towards tent setup 100% 100%
  • Cost towards Jumping Castle 100% 100%

Tent for medical assessments

In the tent, we provided a small-scale medical assessment service on one Saturday of the outreach. We assisted the people with a blood glucose test and advice on medical conditions. On this specific day, we had close to 40 visitors.

Day to day aspects of outreach

In this community, we focused on Gospel preaching because every outreach is unique, depending on the needs of community in which we are serving.

Team Members at work

On this outreach the team had to deal with a large number of kids. The biggest challenge was to hold the small jumping castle down when the kids were playing on it.

Tent in the rural area

In every village the tent lands up in a different place. This time we ended up in a schoolyard. This made it easier for the 100+ kids to come and have fun with us.  The tent stood for 9 days.

Birthday with Jesus

In this village, we started the first “Birthday party with Jesus”. The kids in the village do not experience birthday parties so we provided them with cooldrinks and a jumping castle – fun for 4 hours!

Base camp

Time for reflection in the mountains of our base camp in Rustenburg. We say thanks to you, our accommodation sponsor, for this beautiful place in which we can stay at no cost and recover our strength for every busy day.

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