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How You Can Help

Sponsor Diesel

We need donations for diesel. The villages are far apart and we travel many kilometers to reach those that do not always get ministered to.



Our Jumping Castle ministry draws many children to the tent and we love to treat them with some juice and sweets to keep them going during four hours of fun and laughter. R750 will cover these costs for an outreach.

Reaching 200 kids per weekend

Our Saturday outreaches allow us to engage with 50 to 200 children per village in a friendly environment. Your support for our Jumping Castle rentals can be the reason a child started a life-changing conversation with one of our counselors.

Dream donations

We need people or companies to sponsor the following large items for us.

Jumping Castle

We are renting jumping castles for every outreach and it cost between R 250 to R400 per day for one.

Please sponsor a jumping castle


R45 000 for a tent.

These tents are large (9m x 18m) with heavy-duty walls and roofs that in our experience last longer than cheaper, lighter tents.

We use the tent to keep the kids out of the Sun for the areas where we work is very hot

Sound Systems

We recived all the funding for our sound systems that we use for the outreaches

Thank you to our partners & sponsors

Johan Louw – left

Provided the tents that were used by Mission2 in the 9 outreaches done in 2019. Also sponsored the accommodation for the Mission2 team.

Johan Holtzhauzen – right

Sponsored 2019 a total of 1200 booklets “The Most Important Story Ever Told”. He also sponsored Mission2 NPC sound system.

Grant and Tanja Spence

In 2019 they sponsored 5 of the 9 outreaches that were done by Mission2 NPC

2020 December Kuruman Sponsored 90% of the outreach

His Vision Church Rustenburg sponsored 3 jumping castels.

Carl – Teacher – Mission2 NPC Director and all-around servant has donated R30 000 in 2019 towards Mission2 NPC for he believes in what Mission2 NPC stands for and do

Francis – evangelist – pastor – Mission2 NPC Director has in 2019 donated R 50 000 towards the outreaches and pastors in need in the Rustenburg area from his own money

2020 November he invested R 25 000 of his last official salary towards the mobile preaching unit.

Christelle – Francis wife – co-founder of Mission2 NPC. She bought a bakkie in 2020 for Mission2 NPC and pays the monthly installments for a bakkie to be used by Mission2 NPC for the work they do

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